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I'm a Dutch weaver, knitter, spinner, lacemaker and love anything that has to do with fiber and yarn. And of course I like to read books, magazines, newspapers.

maandag 8 maart 2010

Woody lust pinda's

Woody likes peanuts.
De foto is misschien niet geweldig, maar we waren wel verbaasd over de specht, die een aanval deed op de, voor kleinere vogeltjes bedoelde, pinda's. Het roodborstje, nog net zichtbaar rechtsonder, keek al even verbaasd toe.

Perhaps the picture is not the best, but we were surprised to see the woodpecker attacking the peanuts, meant for the smaller birds. The robin, bottom right, (just visible) is watching, surprised as well.

6 opmerkingen:

Amanda zei

How lovely to have such pretty visitors come to your garden.

Sharon zei

We are reading the same book and yes it is a page turner. I read the second book a year ago so had to go back after I'd read a chapter or so and write down who the characters were so I could get oriented. Once that was done, I could get into this sequence. It is sooooooo good, and the last of the trilogy - sob.

I told the book group yesterday that you had been influenced by them to read John Steinbeck and they were thrilled. You won't be worry. I can't endorse "The Pillars of the Earth." You're on your own there~

José zei

Gaaien lusten ook pinda's, met dop en al, zag ik een paar weken geleden! En dat roodborstje zit misschien gewoon te wachten op de kruimels, zo slim zijn die ukkies wel :-)

Leigh zei

I love watching birds at our bird feeder. They have such antics! I like watching our chickens too. More antics!

Janet zei

I think the Stieg Larsson trilogy was marvelous. I was able to get the third volume in Dublin on October 1. Lucky me.

Annie zei

Sharon and Janet: I had this third Stieg Larsson book for quite some time, but found no time to read it. Yesterday I finished it. Just couldn't put it down.
José: Dat is inderdaad precies wat het roodborstje doet, het grootste deel van de tijd: wachten tot er wat valt. Zijn vriend de merel doet hetzelfde.
Leigh and Amanda: We love to watch the birds in front of our window. But strange enough: when there was so much snow this past winter we didn't see a single bird! They've only started coming since a few weeks now.