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I'm a Dutch weaver, knitter, spinner, lacemaker and love anything that has to do with fiber and yarn. And of course I like to read books, magazines, newspapers.

woensdag 24 maart 2010

Kleuren van maart

Colours of March

Toen ik vorige maand de kleuren van februari fotografeerde, was het al de laatste dag van de maand. Toegegeven: er zijn er ook maar 28 van, maar dat werd even haasten. Buiten zag het er nog vrij grauw en winters uit.
De volgende dag, op 1 maart, maakten we een wandeling. Plotseling scheen de zon weer en dan ziet alles er anders uit. De wilgenkatjes tegen de blauwe lucht: het blijft ieder jaar weer mooi.

When I made photos of the colours of February, it was already the last day of that month. Admittedly there are only 28 of these, but I had to hurry to be in time. Outside it still looked grey and much like winter.
The following day, on March 1, we went for a walk. Suddenly the sun was back and everything looks different. The willow catkins against the blue sky: it's so pretty every year again.
We liepen in het kleine natuurgebied, vlakbij ons huis. Aan weerskanten water, want, in tegenstelling to Sharon, daar hebben we hier veel van. Hoog water links van ons, laag water, waar het dus wordt weggepompt, aan onze rechterkant, in de sloot.
We walked in the little narure area quite near to our hous. Water on both sides, because unlike at Sharon's, we have plenty of that. High water on our left in the canal, low water on our right in the ditch, where the water is pumped off.
Toen we thuiskwamen stonden de mahonies in hun potten te wachten om geplant te worden.

When we came home the mahonies were waiting in their pots to be planted.
 Deze week liep ik een rondje door onze tuin, om te kijken of er al meer kleur te ontdekken viel. Dit vond ik:

This week I walked around our garden to see of more colour could be discovered. This is what I found:
Kronkelhazelaar met heide

Crooked hazel with heather
Witte helleborus/White hellebore
Kunstzinnige rode helleborus orientalis
Arty hellebore orientalis
die ervan dichtbij zo uitzag
which looked like this closer by
longkruid, met prachtige blauwe bloempjes (slecht te zien op de foto)
I don't know an English name for this. Latin: pulmonaria (I think) This variety has lovely blue flowers, but they aren't easy to see on this photo

Een struik, die bijna rood kleurde in de late zon
A bush, nearly red in the late sun
En kijk eens aan: de allereerste narcissen!
And just look: the very first daffodils!

Meer kleuren van maart, verspreid over de wereld, zijn te zien via het weblog van Sue: http://lifeloomslarge.blogspot.com/2010/03/colors-of-march.html
More March colours from all over the world can be seen at Sue's weblog:http://lifeloomslarge.blogspot.com/2010/03/colors-of-march.html

3 opmerkingen:

Life Looms Large zei

Great colors of March!!

I have to see if hellebore will grow where I live. I've seen it in several different blogs and it's a beautiful plant.

I think the English name for Pulmonaria is "Lungwort", but we just call it pulmonaria at my house. I have some in my garden too. (Although it's not up yet)

So exciting to see spring approaching!!


Jenny Bellairs zei

Nice spring colors. I especially like your hellebore. Very pretty.

Sara zei

I enjoyed seeing your colors of March - very pretty.